Monday, October 15, 2012

Psalm 25

I've read this psalm twice within the same week and it has spoken to me a lot lately.  It talks about trusting God and guidance.  The first verse is straight off the bat:
                   "To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; in you I trust, O my God"
 So I guess the question that is pounding in my heart is am I trusting God? and even have I been trusting Him lately and how?
Oh God, how You constantly test and challenge me so I know that you love and care for me always and always.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Lately, I've been obsessed with making collages. Here's a tree I took of while I was in Cameroon. I kinda like it with the lines.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


...I haven't been keeping up with this blog
...I've been listening to a lot of sermons on podcast. Mainly from Mars Hill with Mark Driscoll, North Point Ministries with Andy Stanley, and The Stirring (based in Redding) with Nate Edwardson
...doing lots of driving up and down the mountain
...I've been working odd shifts at work but now it's all sorted
...I've started going to the women's group I went to before the summer began
...I've been reading lots of articles online, mainly from Relevant Magazine (it's good)
...I've been paying off my debt tremendously. Should be debt free by February of next year.
...I've been drinking more Starbucks than I usually would
...I've gone to Hatchet Falls twice. The second time I actually got into the water and jumped from the log.
...I've been taking care and playing with my dog Jade of 5 months. She is the best and is so cute. She doesn't like men or boys though. I don't know why. Something could have happened in her past.
...I've started working out. I miss it. Its what helps me become more energized and think clearer
...I've been taking supplements like chia oil and Lysine and drinking Chlorophyl (though I haven't in a week)
...I've haven't been praying as much as I should be
...I've been kinda numb to relationships

...I've been doing my best to reconnect the most important relationship. My relationship with God.